Welcome to Agiville Industries
09125058859 | 07035050187
Plot 8, Block E, Amuwo Odofin Industrial Layout,
Agiville IndustriesAgiville IndustriesAgiville Industries

Our Products

Top Quality

Agiville Chairs

Agiville Plastic Chairs are not only strong and durable but also a display of beauty and style, they are largely designed for comfort and reliability

Colour Choices

Choose from a range of colors to match your preferences.

Easy to Stack

Our chairs are easy to move and arrange to suit your needs.

Quality Materials:

Made of PP material to last a period that exceed customer expectation

Arm and Armless Designs

We offer both arm and armless chair designs, providing options to suit different spaces and preferences.

Colour Choices

Choose from a range of colors to match your preferences.

Easy to Stack

Our chairs are easy to move and arrange to suit your needs.

Quality Materials:

Made of PP material to last a period that exceed customer expectation

Arm and Armless Designs

We offer both arm and armless chair designs, providing options to suit different spaces and preferences.

Top Quality

Agiville Waste Bins

Agiville Waste Bins are engineered to be strong, beautiful, and exceptionally durable. They are designed to stand up to rough weather conditions while maintaining their aesthetic appeal.

European EN840 Standard

Our waste bins meet the stringent European EN840 standard, ensuring top-notch quality and performance.


Available in 60 litres.
120 litres .
240 litres

Material Matters

Agiville Waste Bins are produced from HDPE, making them highly resistant to heat, frost, and decay.

Weatherproof and UV Resistant

Our recycling bins are weatherproof and UV resistant, guaranteeing long-lasting use in any environment.

Compliance with EN840 Norms

We take product standards seriously. Our waste bins fully comply with EN840 norms.

Built to Last

Equipped with solid, durable tyres and lids attached to the body with four separate solid pins, these bins are built to last

European EN840 Standard

Our waste bins meet the stringent European EN840 standard, ensuring top-notch quality and performance.


Available in 60 litres.
120 litres .
240 litres

Material Matters

Agiville Waste Bins are produced from HDPE, making them highly resistant to heat, frost, and decay.

Weatherproof and UV Resistant

Our recycling bins are weatherproof and UV resistant, guaranteeing long-lasting use in any environment.

Compliance with EN840 Norms

We take product standards seriously. Our waste bins fully comply with EN840 norms.

Built to Last

Equipped with solid, durable tyres and lids attached to the body with four separate solid pins, these bins are built to last

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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